I love Parker, Nixon & Davis are all loved, but the show isn’t the same without Cattrall. The authentic Sex and The City story line is rudely taken over by lesbian not-so-comical jokes and death. They've included transgender, gay pride and podcasting; a sad cover for the already amazing original show. Chaudhoury, Parker and Pittman have nice roles, but it all seems misplaced from the show we all had become addicted to at times and have grown to love. It was a saddening and sleepy version of the original show with chants of trying to become 'more woke' from the audience perspective. Why do Americans try so hard to not let Caucasian actors/actresses/musicians shine now? It's not a bad thing to have a European driven show in America. It’s OK America---we don’t have to praise ALL ethnicities except for the light skinned (traditionally referenced 'white person'). We can still have shows like Sex and The City without trying so hard to replace the white girl. BET isnt replacing the African Americans with European people. (By the way, personally I am Filipino, I didn’t see any Asians in the show, but I wouldn’t want to replace or change the characters so abruptly, regardless of asian inclusion.) Felt like the 10 episode mini series was on a roller coaster ride in an attempt to prove points throughout. Saddest part, losing Willie. HBO was defiantly trying to promote other characters in this series, but all the viewers wanted was a ‘where are they now’ show without a colorful distraction of new characters and nuances to be more ‘politically’ inclusive--- other HBO shows should hold a place for that. Not the famous S&TC spin. Beautiful let down.