This is revelation knowledge according to Taylor Swift. The wrapping paper is nice and the Antonoff/Dessner bows are nice as well. The tracks don't disappoint. Little to no "sonic" revelations but in a way that serves the release well. Neither music or production overshadow the purpose. The revealing science of Taylor Swift. Every note/lyric is worthy of listening and some are transcendent as it passes the intellect into the heart. Perfect is subjective. Many too many dynamics to rate where these recordings fall in all of current music and yet very very few take on an epic of self exposure and vulnerability at this level. It is, at least in that space, a masterpiece. I will and have already listened many times. Each time the words paint a beautiful landscape....even when they are of hurtful scenarios. A brilliantly woven continuum of ups and downs, good and bad with missteps by all involved...luckily...with everyone taking home something they can grow from. Well done poet Swift.