I love this game! If you’re a fan of the franchise you will enjoy it.
This game is NOT GTA, it has difficulty to it.
The story so far for me is great!
It pokes fun at todays issues NPcs say things like “I ain’t finding no boarder wall” and other woke things.
To all the people complaining about driving and shooting, this game mechanic was introduced forever ago. I get you wanna drive around like in gta but that’s not saints row.
They make every part of the comedic in small ways so yes driving a car is difficult.
Shooting a weapon has recoil in this game so burst fire helps I believe this is adjusted by game difficulty as well.
Only complaint I have is it takes a minute for the story to get going mainly because you use your phone to start missions and you’re a self made gang leader.
There is a few bugs in the game as well like floating npc sometimes but it’s usually kinda comedic as well. I feel the fire hydrant pushing cars into the air is on purpose.