I was throughly excited to see this movie after watching the trailer. Unfortunately, I didn’t like the trailer enough to watch a 2 1/2 hour version of it. The movie lacks any kind of substance up until the last 20 minutes. To paint a better picture of what I endured; the scenes last about a second or two each, modern hip hop songs or covers of Elvis’s songs blare over the minimal dialogue, Austin Butler’s sole performance consisted of seductiveIy glaring into the distance, Tom Hanks mistakenly picks up Master Shifu’s accent from King Fu Panda. I did miss the first 5-10 minutes of the movie but nothing could’ve made up for what I watched. There was no character development, no suspense or I could’ve cared less what happened to any of characters. I was expecting a biopic about Elvis that went in depth to his experience with drugs, relationship with his mother and Priscilla, or the creative process of song writing and I got a disingenuous doja cat music video featuring Master Shifu and Austin Butler in an Elvis costume. I have a feeling this movie is directed towards the younger generation that have never known Elvis and spend majority their lives on tiktok. The only time I felt stimulated was when a kid in the theater abruptly choked on his popcorn and my multiple bathroom breaks that I tried to space out reasonably to ease my misery. Anyways, I won’t advise against going to see it, but if you do go and you’re sitting there thinking you may have better things to be doing, you’re spot on.