I thought this was a fantastic movie and only down here to say some words to those who have issues with the LGBT messaging in the movie. If you are seriously concerned about the content you are showing your children for whatever reason that may be whether that be religious, tradition, cultural, anything at all, please do basic research before hand. Most of you are complaining that you did not see a warning pop up before the movie about the messaging which makes no sense. If you are so worried about your children seeing certain things, imagery, ideas or whatever do some basic research on material before hand. A simple Google search on Nimona and the source material will show that it has LGBT themes and messaging. There is no reason to be angry at a movie, producer, company, Hollywood or anyone other than YOU for not being a proactive parent/guardian and doing bare minimum research on something that you will be showing your kids. Granted this is only if you are concerned about exactly what your kids are viewing, which you should be to some extent. So please next time spend one minute searching on Google about what you are showing your kids and not go and complain about them seeing something you did not want them to see. There is no reason for such hate towards a movie or things similar to this, regardless of what the message you disagree with is. Simply do some basic background research and do not show it to your kids if you do not believe they should see it. DO NOT go and complain when your kids saw something in content that YOU allowed them to see that goes against what you want them to see/believe. Anyway, hope you have a great day.