Absolute rubbish. The people writing 5 star reviews need their heads checked. Even taken on it's own terms it's just a bad TV show. Flimsy intrigue that is solved early on, very telegraphed story beats that offer no real substance and absolutely cringe worthy dialogue.
“The Jedi are bad!” prompting Osha to say, “The Jedi are good!” Wow guys. After saying she won’t let Osha leave, the sister asks Mae, “It’s not up to you. You can’t stop me.” Mae then says, “Yes, I can,” Osha replies: “How?”, Mae exclaims “I’ll kill you.” I get that these are kids but holy hell that is grade school writing.
It's better then The last Jedi, and Rise of Skywalker, and better then Obiwan kenobi series, but just barely and arguably does just as much damage to the brand as those movies/show
All the people throwing up the blanket defense of accusing people hating on these projects are just misogynistic or transphobic or whatever I implore you. Really look at the writing and direction of these shows. We are nerds, we don't care if a show has a main woman lead or trans or gay we want GOOD STORIES. GOOD WRITING. I almost want a show with a trans/gay/not white main character that is immaculately written and executed so we can finally put this stupid blanket defense away and have real discussions about the merit of good writing and direction in our loved franchises.