After 9-11 I got a good view of prophecy, especially the Book of Ezekiel from Joel Rosenberg's books. But I could not come up with a scenario to explain Israel being in peace and safety as described it Ezekiel 38:12.
Then a ran across the book "DESTINATION TRIBULATION AND BEYOND" By Thomas Farr.
This book changed my outlook entirely as it presented scripture that was scattered through out the Bible but gave a clear picture of a conflict between Israel and surrounding countries. Israel would be nearly destroyed, but would win and expand its territory to most of what the Bible promised to Abraham.
Mr. Farr called it the war of Damascus, I call it the wary with Syria. Others have picked up on it and call it the war of Psalm 83. The author refers to a volume 2. I can find no indication it was ever published.
The publisher is out of business but copies of the book can be found on the net.
If you are concerned with current events you are in good company. The book is probably not right on everything he presents, but is well documented and can be checked.