Was 'Star Wars' based on the books 'Star Quest', Star Fighters' and 'Star Force' by Robert E Mills, released in 1978 by Tower Publications?
'Ylang-Ylang' - the Dark Emperor
Blorg, High Lord of a Reptilian race - Darth Vader
Red Rian, pirate, captain, starfighter- Han Solo
Lady Nila, beautiful aristocrat - Princess Leia
Dann Oryzon, youth caught up in a war, accepted into the 'Fellowship of the Light' - Han Solo.
The release of all three books was on 01 Jan 1978, within a year of 'Star Wars' release, but may have been written in 1959, 19 years before ''Star Wars' hit the screen,
If they were, did Lucas ever acknowledge he 'stole' these stories?