"Vettaiyan" stands out as one of Rajinikanth's finest films, featuring a compelling screenplay that resonates with contemporary societal issues. Director Gnanavel skillfully utilizes Rajinikanth's presence to deliver a meaningful message through a well-structured script filled with action. Every character plays their part convincingly, ensuring the audience remains engaged throughout.
While some scenes may be predictable, this is a natural outcome of crafting a narrative that aims to evoke strong emotions. The story unfolds seamlessly from the very first scene, keeping viewers entertained until the end. Rajinikanth's energy and charisma are, as always, captivating, while Anirudh's energetic music adds to the film's appeal.
This isn’t merely a Rajinikanth film directed by Gnanavel; it’s a showcase of Rajinikanth within a Gnanavel creation, highlighting a significant distinction. Overall, "Vettaiyan" is a must-watch in theaters for its engaging storytelling and powerful performances.