Outward is the fantasy game Ive been longing for. I've played countless hours of modded Skyrim trying to get the feeing that this game provides. You aren't able to just save and try again. Sure, you don't 'die' but each loss has the risk of hours of back tracking and reaquiring. This might not always be the case, sometimes you end up back in town with your gear, but there is always that chance you WONT have your gear, or that you'll wake up just to get attacked again by nearby monsters or bandits. Each aspect of the game gave me more to feel accomplished about every time I killed an enemy. You dont level so you will always be 'ordinary' which means you have to think before you just charge into any situatuion. I couldnt get anything like this in skyrim without adding mods apon mods, and even then there was a chace the game would bug out and it would ruing the immersion.
Outward takes you to a world where you are just another person earning your keep in society and trying to survive like everyone else. Luck is just luck. Fate is fate. your choices actually matter. if you want to be written about in the story and history books, you have to earn it. It isnt handed to you. Just remember what this game is about before judging it harshley.