Action!! Action!! More Action!! Fast Action!! Non stop Action!! And Action!! Someone once said "The excess of anything is bad", John wick is based exactly on that saying.There were moments when your eyes will get tired trying to catch the action. Mr. John Wick fights faster than your mind can think.Expect a lot of head shots.As a matter of fact the movie's name should be "HEAD SHOT" OR if the creators cannot give up the franchise name,they can name it "John Wick: Chapter 3- Head shot". No sense in why John wick is fighting? Why "The Table" were trying to kill him and why the hell in the first place Mr.John wick broke the rules to be on the run and got all the headache. No story,all nonsense.Also law and order doesn't exist in the movie,a lot of bad things will happen in the movie,but somehow nobody notices anything at all!!! Music track is good that's the only good thing about the movie.So I will rate it as 1/5