Perhaps the alternate title would be "The Book Thief: A Summary and Review by Death".
This is a story from Death about a child named Liesel. As Death, he only sees two things - colours (of souls he carries) and people. He usually refrained himself from watching the people. The sadden, heartbreaking, living people who mourn over the dead. But he saw this 9 years old girl many times as he carried souls from world war II, at the point he couldn't help but went against his own principle - he watched her. After collecting thousands of souls on the land of Nazi Germany, he watched as one black book fell from her hand. So he took it along the journey, and shared the story with us.
One thing I dislike about Death is that he liked to spoil the story. This character? Oh they have 6 months left. This other one has 10 months. Like dude, nobody asked 😠But it did made me curious on how it'd happen. He said it himself that this book isn't about the ending, but the progress. I had to admit it works. I also found the narrator humorous at times. And the author's creativity had me astounded. The analogies are often poetic, yet I don't remember seeing two impressions twice.
Following this story made me feel very personal with Liesel. Childhood is an important phase that will affect our life-long mindset whether or not we realize it. This book allows us to understand the key-points Liesel's life. It's realistic. And the thing about reality is that, you never how low or how high things can go. It often exceeds your expectations.
I must let you know, the ending is bitter-sweet. The progress is devastating. I still enjoyed the book, though. Despite being the one who served Hitler the most, Death is not his servant. One good day, he collected the Fuhrer's soul as well.
It's one hell of a journey. Recommended.