I think this show is a wonder of human imagination. This show conveys the life cycle and everything that happens when you go to the toilet. My favourite episode was episode 436.5 from season 1554,030.10.5. This is my favourite show ever, milons of people around the world love this show and naruto ship my bum over the country is also very good because it has 500 episodes which translates to arabic in english. this show reminds me of januray and jojo bizzare house, in jojo bizarre house there is a thing called a stand up sit down and it tastes like a massive big long veiny face.
If you want to contact me then call me. you will figure out the number (aka.i dont have a number) ps+ i htink +=. science is my favopurite religion. call my mumym cause i have just worn a suit to my lesson!?!"232/3ysujdfbaiu also back to ship u den naurot. Narut has funny psin jin min itsu jutssu kistus. Tkhank you and red is sus ahahahh!"!"H!H"!U"H!UI"HI!U