I hated, hated, hated this movie.
The race-baiting is so obvious and contrived, I found myself shaking my head in disbelief during 80% of this, yes truly racist, stereotypical, tripe. I could go on about many things wrong with it, but it’s frankly not worth it.
I will focus on the fact that the only 2 characters who, not only die, but suffer horrific deaths are simply not talked about, like they don’t even deserve anyone lamenting or just ask about their deaths.
First, the white, mildly-bullish high school jock: I say mildly because we are truly not shown much if anything about why he “deserved” to be terrorized/semi-asphyxiated in a plastic bag and later have his face violently smashed with a basketball against the curve. Not only had this person done nothing to the elder black brother, the younger biracial brother somehow transforms into a maniac and smashes the guy’s head himself. The younger brother is a high school kid who (I assume) has no violent or criminal past, nor mental health issues, and yet is never shown after the fact as having regrets, or just even think about this, ever again!? No mention of this incident, no cops, nothing in the papers, nothing. I guess the director/writer thought this was quite the trivial event.
Second, the white husband, Ian. The elder brother simply seems fixated on this one dude, who did nothing to him or his sister, clearly showed he knew nothing about his crazy wife’s past, knew nothing about her most recent stunt of buying her older kids, etc. Yet he is the one who gets the blunt of the hate: not the “mother” who cut and ran when you were little and never came back for you BECAUSE you were “too black” to fit into HER idea of a perfect life. No, the white guy who has zero to do with your predicament - that’s the one and only one who gets tortured and finally smashed to death. And by the way, 2 big and healthy kids and the wife in the next room, not one of these useless people thought to incapacitate these maniacs and at least ATTEMPT to aid their father/husband.
This movie did not make me feel any sadness over the two victims of abandonment, neglect, and trauma it clearly wanted us to feel sorry for. And that is the story’s fault. How, when two other people are murdered in cold blood for no reason, and no one cares about them. All I could think of is how weak were the constraints of whatever mental institution they escaped from.