I stuck with the show from the very beginning, and loved the show to my death, but then this movie came out and the ending just sucked, I would rate it lower if I could, there even could have been a better ending if Jim time traveled, but would still become the trollhunter but he would make the right decisions, so that the people who died would have been saved, and it could've cut back to the scene where everything good still happened, and Toby and everyone else were there, still alive, and everyone would be happy, and get the best ending, but I guess Guillermo Del Fricking Toro thought it would be better if he left us on a cliffhanger, and it's sposed to be a finale, so we will never now if jim made the right call, and more people might die because of this stupid decision Del Toro thought was amazing. A terrible ending to an amazing series, like most shows do nowadays.