So much brainwashing in churches and religion. You got to speaking in tongues and be born again christian. What puts me off by churches or preachers are those charlatans such as Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland and so on. They all live a lavish lifestyle on the cost of the most vulnerable people in society. Look at the word of faith movement it's not biblical and it's not christian. The little God's teaching is wrong claiming we are all little god's. Another issue is the prosperity theology is a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one's material wealth. These churches and preachers are crooks they are charlatans. Don't invest with them. I rather help out the poor homeless person out on the corner than tithing which tithing to the church is a false doctrine. Many churches waste the funds on useless things they don't need. I was told and others I heard if your not speaking in tongues you are not a christian or close to the lord. That is a lie. This film Come Sunday is a joke, a laugh and in some way its sad. Hope you all can wake up and know the real gospel not the false teachers. God bless.