Started off so well, thought it was going to be a West Wing kind of once in a blue moon treasure. The cast is great, but the writing became so dissapointing and quite frankly unwatchable. Has any of the writers actually worked in a professional, govt, protocol led setting? I kept hearing the word protocol but saw nothing of the kind. The ambassador who was promised to be a new generation leader ended up being a washed up bully, too unprofessional to function. Its unrealistic, you cannot speak to staff like how she does - it's not the 90s!
It's not empowering to shout, turning up to work drunk, talking down to your colleagues and be a tantrum throwing toddler. Hating dresses and swearing is also not a show of power, women can wear dresses, speak eloquently, be clean with showers (lack of bodily hygiene was distressingly gross) and have washed hair and be taken seriously, its 2023. This show takes feminism back, Legally Blonde showed that one can be feminine and feminist. The Ambassadors behaviour is an HR nightmare, any leader exhibiting these behaviours in a present day workplace would be sacked immediately so its another layer of impossible to watch unrealism.
Also just because you have a female lead in a powerful political position it doesn't mean you now have to write in a stupid romantic interest - no woman in her right mind in a role like that would start a relationship/affair with the Home Secretary. So dumb. Powerful women take calculated risks and would never take a chance jeopardising her career, that's the moment this show completely lost me. I was more interested in how the ambassador would navigate difficult political issues - but the one political issue became a nothing burger when the writers couldn't decide on a culprit and then it became completely uninteresting.
Also enough with America saves the day narratives and sticking American fingers in everyones pie, the world is sick of this narrative. If you had more of episode 1 writing this would've had the potential to be such a great show.