This has been my favorite Movie since I saw it as a young child. I absolutely LOVED Uncle Remus. He was so kind and gentle.
For 1946, this movie takes place on a southern plantation being run by an elderly woman, named Miss Doshy (is more likely Docia - meaning "Gift of God." but called Doshy). She is a very strong but kind woman.
For that day and age and what it was about, the Disney movie showed the Black Workers as "Farm Hands" NOT "SLAVES!!!" She had NO PROBLEM with her grandson spending time with Uncle Remus as his friend.
The boy's father was off to fight in the Civil War (?), with Miss Doshy to run the plantation. NO WHIPS! NO SLAVE HANDLERS, NO CHAINS! Just the Black people going out to work on the plantation/farm as farmhands!
I THIS story, Uncle Remus is the HERO! The young boy, "Bobby" is trampled by a bull, while cutting across a bull pen, screaming for Uncle Remus.
Remus comes back to the boy and sits by his bed, recounting the stories of Br'er Bear, Br'er Fox, and Br'er Rabbit, until Bobby comes out of the coma. It was the sound of Uncle Remus' voice that finally got the boy to respond, thus saving his life.
He was a HERO!!! A BLACK MAN WAS THE HERO!!! IN 1946!
He was MY HERO and still IS, for the lonely, left-out and forgotten kids of all ethnicities!