Been watching "Hudson and rex" this morning. Was wondering why in a show set in NL not a single character has even a hint of an NL accent.
Checked through the cast list and found out it's because the show just a bunch of folks from Toronto using NL as a shooting site to get some sweet B-Roll of the jellybean houses. They didn't put a single Newfoundlander on their main cast. Idk about the extras, but they don't have accents either.
No evidence to me that they even attempted to incorporate any aspect of the culture. Honestly it just defeats the purpose of setting it where they did. And for a show about police in st johns, They didn't even do enough research to know that St. John's is policed by the RNC. The laziness and total lack of regard for accurately portraying NL and it's residents astounds me. It's sad and pathetic, really. I'd rate 0 stars if I could.