Regina King continues to impress me with her abiltiy to transform into any character she chooses. I almost forgot it was her and not Shirley Chisholm. And the entire cast did an amzing job. The writing moves the story along at a pace that keeps you intereated in what will haplen next.
I was born in 1968 so I really had no idea who Shirley was. I am so glad to now know this amazing story of a stron black woman who I really think I would bote for if she were running tiday. She clearly broke ground being the 1st black femal congresswoman but then she decided that wasnt enough. I juat think its a shame that goid people get eaten up in the political arena. If we could only have a candidate like her today I think the world wouod be a better place.
I want to thank all of the people who were involved in making this movie. I am a disabled veteran with a lot of chronic pain and to find something to diatract me is a blessing. Gid bless