At first i can relate to Jojo character being independent, work part time job to support her living as an orphanage. Live with her aunt which constantly pressuring her on paying her parents debt. Then when sun ho came into picture, she easily give in to him just simply allowing him to kiss her. I mean isn’t that too easy? It just seems the kiss doesnt look to be romantic ones instead it just based on lust. However i can wrap my head around that fact when both jojo and sun ho started dating and their true love spark every moment. Sun ho accepted her as what she is, comforting her when she is lost and being loving towards her. To sun ho, jojo is everything to him. Until they split up due to the ignorance of sun ho’s parents. Locking him up hence he couldnt communicate with jojo for a brief moment.
This is when things started to shattered between them. I just cant believe how easy jojo shut sun ho up and built distance between them without giving sun ho any closure..
And hye yeong????? He just watched without doing anytin to help his so called best friend from childhood. Even he did helped jojo to see sun ho but that effort go south..he could try harder if he sncerely care about sun ho. He knew jojo likes sun ho to begin with and it’s his fault for not making the first move to get jojo’s attention.
Season 2 is the worst I didnt watch until the end i stopped at eps4. I knew from that eps sun ho will be left suffered. It doesnt seem to be fair to him as he is not the villain in this story. My heart just cant relate to any of the character except sun ho. Until the end i can feel sun ho suffered for not getting the right closure to move on, thanks to selfish jojo
And the heck is this apps worked??? The algorithm they used to detect ppl aroud u that like u??? That the apps detect the biological reaction in our body so it get to know who likes who??? I just cant get the logic behind this apps which I believe the main caharcter of this series. Nonsense…lets just stick to tinder 🤣🤣🤣