I loved L&O, and have probably watched every episode at least twice. this new one is bad. the legal/social climate has changed, but *not really* in the new law & order. it seems like the show is being written by someone(s) who never watched the show before, and has/have no clue about the law, (or any nuance thereof), OR the show and its characters before this "reboot". Sam Waterston's character is either suffering from dementia, or, (far more likely), the writers don't know or care about his history *in* the show. he was an incredibly determined ADA, which is/was why we loved him. he now seems clueless to precedents he created, (whether or not they remained so), and that's the fault of the lazy writers. I'll keep watching, hoping something changes; but, for now, I'm just hate watching, yelling at the TV from time to time about the lack of substance and/or consistency within the show and its characters, as well as the lazy writing. what an enormous disappointment. (and the "formula" they are following for casting- macho cops, and lawyers who, apparently, cannot be FEMALE, (but for as an "assistant" to the male lawyers), is infuriating.) with the "reboot", the writers had a chance to create a show that doesn't follow the old *casting* formula; but it appears they are either incompetent, or just don't care. I hope it changes, but I won't hold my breath.