Watch this movie if you want to understand the demands of joining an occult group in other to harvest wealth, the major star of this movie was defrauded by group of scammers, lost his job as a bank manager, but still owed the bank some of the money he gave to the scammers, out of desperation to raise money, he joined an occult group known as the vultures, all members of the vultures are supposedly rich but the demands made by this group is what is particularly heartbreaking, he had to sacrifice his mother, his brother, and as if that isn't enough, he had to appease the spirits of his dead mother that was after him by offering more human sacrifices, it is tough to explain this, even though he killed his mother to be rich, his mother's spirits was still bothering him, he was still seeing her, and in other to completely get his mother's spirits off his back, he had to offer more sacrifices, which means killing more people, this is one of the best Nigerian movies, this is a horror movie.