A coming-of-age story unfolds, chronicling the lives of three friends navigating insecurities, uncertainties, and dreams, with social media intertwining with their journeys.
A great film, reflecting on our current times and how we perceive our mediated realities through our phone screens. While people often debate the notion that films are meant solely for sheer entertainment and not education, this film clearly brings out a message most of us have been keeping at the tip of our tongues for a long time. Whether during family dinners, parties, or even while spending time with our partners, we sometimes just want to scream out loud, 'Get off your phone.' The film succeeds in delivering this message strongly and does justice to it by bringing it out in the most candid way that speaks directly to us. By narrating this message and portraying the lives of twenty-somethings, we realize the strong and sometimes unwanted presence of social media in our lives. All one wants is to feel validated, just like the characters in this film who try to put out an image of themselves to feel a little validated, a little wanted, and a lot fantasized.
In a nutshell, I thoroughly enjoyed watching this film 😍 and look forward to seeing more of such films in the future. Kudos to the outstanding performances by Sidhant Chaturvedi, Adarsh Gourav, and even Ananya Pandey, who bring out their characters’ personalities nonchalantly. Their characters are super relatable and candidly depict the irony of our times.
So if you are interested in watching a film that is a bit relatable and talks about a problem without being preachy, this is the one!