This movie is awesome! It was a great, action packed way to end the skywalker saga, it was not perfect I will admit that, but the base of the film was good. In my opinion, they could have made the movie better by bringing Anakin Skywalker back to help Rey and Kylo kill off the ultimate evil, emperor palpatine! Another way they could have made it better was by making the movie longer. I think that it was very crammed and there was no slow paced scenes, sometimes that was a good think, but for some scenes there was room for it. The opening scene with kylo looking for the wayfinder felt like it should have been at the end of the last Jedi, it felt rushed, and the opening crawl was a big jump from the end of Jedi to the begging of skywalker!
Aside from that, I rank this as one of my favourite Star Wars movie out of all 9 and will be going back to the cinema to watch it again!