I love the show. The couples that are still married understand the value of communication, respect for each other, and not being overly fussy. This is not a game. It is a major life commitment that can be beautiful for those that embrace it.
Having grown up in Greek culture, I have several cousins whose marriage was fixed and all of them are together. Over 60% of those who chose their own spouse are divorced. This shows that people, other than yourself, are better at picking your next spouse. Believe it or not, you can overcome the chemistry thing fairly quickly, unless the person you are fixed up with is totally repulsive to you. Outside of the show, if you are fixed up, you can always opt out. I was fixed up twice and opted out, because the matches were totally our of whack for me and were picked by relatives, who did not know our dynamics very well. If the people who fix you up live 100's of miles away from you, it is less likely that your match will succeed.
I still love the concept. It eliminates the awkward dating of numerous prospects, only to be dumped 3-4 months later. The worst dumpings are those of 1-2 years, where you have slept together for over 6 months. Wen one person cheats or get bored and respect is lost; game over.
The bottom line is you have to work at keeping your relationship together. Respect and good communication eliminate 80% of the hurdles. Unfortunately, money issues end many relationships; unjustly in my opinion. If you are not willing to live in your car with your wife for up to a year or so, then stay single and please don't break someone's heart who loves you. Always help your other half solve problems, when they can't. All of us fall in a rut sometimes.