A couple of minutes of listening to this book through Audible and I knew it was False... Readers beware, not everything that makes you feel good, is good for you.. its called deception.. Before reading this Book (which I advise against it) pray to God for discerment, pray from the bottom of your heart for God to reveal himself to you. its easy to be deceived. I pray all of you have a beautiful and true encounter with the ONLY one true living God. King of Kings. Ask God to reveal thr truth to you about Jesus Christ. Dont just read a book that make you "feel good" like this one and assume it must be truth. God is almighty and Wonderful more than I could even put into words and this Book tries to convience you of who God is and so many like it because it tells them and validates what they want to hear.. Think about it, thats how deception works.