I love it ,I love this drama ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ The all things they show us in this drama is happened in reality but the police did not do that much of hard work to finding the truth .this all happen in drama
I wish in reality the police and judge do this kind of work that shown in this drama except chief police ,judge and judge wife
Who have power they become king .
Who have not power they become poor.
Poor people cannot do anything because they don't have power , who have power and money they killed poor people like animals .
That why no. 11 because judge than hi have power to take revenge .
The revenge taken by them I like it because they deserved it. In end I feel so sad for Yu Na and also for hoon jae no. 13 and Gus friend who die in last .
The adult memeber of hope welfare centre they did wrong thing for there own good . they abuse or killed kids😭 adult memeber they deserve killed and the no. 11 team did the right work.
They deserve it .
I feel so sad for those kids .