Oh my gosh where do I start..
OVERALL its probably a B- or C+ rated series.
It isnt pure junk but it also aint gold.
Zombies grade B
Story grade C
Acting grade C
Potential grade B
Video Quality B
Effects & Special Visuals C
Attention to details D
Black Summer delievers a quality take on Zombies but fails to deliever when it comes to details and presentation. Black Summer is all about chaos and taking normal people who are confused, lost and blinded to what is going on, trying to survive a zombie outbreak.
The story lacks detail, lacks direction or details. The series did leave room for improvement through. Black Summer can be saved but I have a feeling it wont be renewed. From start to finish the series had a clear path, follow the story of survivors and try to make it to the safe zone and evacuation area.
Acting along the way was decent by a few, but along the way some very low sub par supporting cast failed to deliver. I believe most of this had to do with whoever was in charge of visuals and action. The acting and scenes was basically a make it up as you go type feel, I need a smart zombie here, I need a dumb zombie here, I need the hero to rise up, I need someone to fail here. kind of thing. Details, Details, Details, you will watch it yourself and find yourself yelling at the screen almost, saying, what the heck is this come on people this stupid BUT also there is at times you will be like alright, this show has some real promise, things are looking good. Overall, It was worth watching but its not something worth re-watching again.
If you like Zombies give it a try but if you are a person that picks apart movies over every little detail thats off or wrong. This series will drive you insane.