Didn't like it. Terrible disabled representation IMO. I don't remember the representation of women being particularly good either, or non cis-het people even existing at any point in the story.
I also didn't like the amount of gore and the tragic backstory stuff & amount of characters that got killed off seems excessive to me.
I'm pretty sure I remember there specifically being a scene where a toddler bench presses a boulder? Which to me just seems absurd bordering on comedic rather than cool or exciting at all.
Part of the characters backstory is that he has adult intelligence as a baby, and so uses that to his advantage to be super smart and progress beyond his age and also he's born into royalty, which all seems kinda Gary Sue/power fantasy to me. I'm also just not that into the whole level up system it had, or at least how it happened in this story.
I don't remember this book super well, but I do know some LITRPGs will have characters automatically, magically become more conventionally attractive as they grow more powerful which I think is stupid, and I've heard from other reviewers online that the protagonist is attracted to teenagers on several occasions which I also think is stupid bordering on creepy.
Good for you if you did enjoy it though, everyone has different preferences 🤷