I feel I dont know quite enough to leave a review on this movie because I haven't read the book, and I've only seen it once but I'll leave my thoughts anyways:
(Spoilers) It was hard to stay engaged with this story throughout the entire runtime. The beginning was the most interesting part by far, with a call to action, where our character gets a chance to prove his strength and worthiness to his king, he does and is challenged to a rematch the next christmas. After a huge time leap the character has developed no more, and has done nothing to prepare for his challenge but dread the journey and how it will end. Leaving with no more wisdom, skill, or intent than he started with he leaves on his journey meeting multiple challenges along the way and having no character development or redeeming moments from any of them. The climax was unclear and confusing before looking up an explanation, he did have a redeeming moment in the last cut before credits rolled but still wasn't a very interesting or compelling character.
Regarding the plot the movie was confusing and unentertaining with uninteresting and somewhat repulsing characters.
On the other hand the cinematography was visually stunning. The set and costume design were beautiful, and the visual effects were about what you'd expect for a movie with this budget.