This film (Fatale) is not intended to be an “Oscar-worthy” candidate and even if it was...WHO CARES?! For years, The Academy Awards has completely abandoned common sense, accuracy, decency, and relevancy (at the expense of grotesquely dismissing and shaming ordinary movie-goers like you and me)! Personally, I honestly do NOT know a single (sane, rational, decent, ordinary) person who places even just a modicum of respect upon anything the “Academy” says or does...and the same thing goes for the typically snarky and self-absorbed “professional film critic”! They ALL care more about political correctness, “wokeness”, identity politics, and themselves than they do about movies or seriously analyzing the entertainment factor (production value) of the films that are being made today. Honestly, if I see that a “film critic” for the New York Times (for example) absolutely hates a particular film then that’s my cue to make sure I go watch it because it’s probably pretty good or, at the very least, ENTERTAINING (for the most part, anyways)! If I see that they are raving or overly praising a film then the odds are pretty high that it’s ridiculously mediocre...or even just flat out awful! Need proof? Just consider “Parasite” or “Moonlight”!!! Just consider the fact that NONE of Christopher Nolan’s films have ever won the award for Best Picture! Need I say more?! LOL
There’s only two words that need to be said about this film (Fatale) and those two words are more than enough reason to spend the money and watch it. What are those two words, you ask? Well, here they are: HILARY SWANK!
She’s still one of the best and she’s still captivating and extraordinary in everything she does. She’s still gorgeous and classy (on screen), too! I’d easily watch any movie she has a role in and the chances are pretty darn high that I’ll enjoy watching it, too. The highly acclaimed “Black Dahlia” (2006) being the exception, of course...but the fact that it was highly acclaimed by professional “film critics” kinda proves my point, ya know?
So, just ignore the snobby reviews that have an (obvious) surplus of thesaurus-generated adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. That type of “review” is more about the narcissist who wrote it; who just can’t help themselves from barfing out a self-righteous, self-aggrandizing paragraph full of multisyllabic nonsense designed to make you think how “smart” and “cultured” they must be. Those types of “reviews” have nothing to do with whether or not the movie accomplished its sole purpose for being created in the first place! That purpose, of course, being to ENTERTAIN! Obviously, the higher the entertainment level achieved by a film should directly translate into a higher level of review; a higher level of praise...but that’s just me. I know...I know...I’m incredibly short sighted, naive, and uncouth for daring to think so rationally, but I digress.
I can easily award this film with 4 out of 5 stars because it certainly achieves its most important directive; its most obvious reason for being made. It (Fatale) is very entertaining and Swank is usually always a sure bet! I’m fairly confident that YOU, too, will enjoy her newest movie...and be ENTERTAINED! Enjoy!