This was the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. I have been alive for 20 years, and I spent 118 minutes of that, of which I will never ever, ever, get back. Nothing will be able to compensate for the absolute robbery my retina had to go through. We had to beg my one friend to let us leave, who only wanted to stay to watch for the sole purpose that no one else wanted to stay. I don't know how many characters I'm allowed for this review, but just know. Not even an infinite amount of characters would be enough to even remotely describe the abhorrent, absolutely atrocious, abominable, and cancer inducing film (yes i used the thesaurus for those words, I have a burning passion for how awful this movie was) that I wasted my precious, precious time on. I'm truly upset if you cant tell, please spare yourself the basic human decency if you even have the thought come to mind to watch this movie. And just because I'm feeling like I need to communicate this to everyone, I'll even leave a list of MUCH better, mind numbing things you could be doing. Like sewing a blanket for your grandma, sewing a blanket WITH your grandma, or even watching your grandma sew a blanket for christs sake. Just don't watch this movie.