A movie that asks you to ignore simple logic. (Small plot spoiler) So a mysterious group pull of what's described in one scene as a VERY sophisticated identity theft that's so elaborate it covers 30 or 40 years... In the next scene a case is thrown out of court because apparently the same mysterious group are unable to come up with ONE simple document to prove ONE small little fact??????? So ensues a predictable cat and mouse (that could be easily avoided with a few forged docs) that leaves you begging for a smug, irritating, illogical (and out of nowhere super spy) to just stop a bullet with her face. Breathing for her becomes non essential at will and even explosions wait for her to get clear of danger. Ridiculous plot shifts. Could have been better if a braincell had rewritten a scene or 2, a character or seven and decided it was a bad idea and never released it. 🙄