Mere Sai is a popular Indian television series that first premiered on September 25, 2017. The show revolves around the life and teachings of the revered Indian saint, Sai Baba of Shirdi. It portrays various incidents from Sai Baba's life and how his teachings of love, compassion, and selflessness impact the people in the town of Shirdi and beyond.
The show received a positive response from viewers and was well-received for its depiction of Sai Baba's philosophy and the way it explored the spiritual and moral values associated with him. The performances of the cast, particularly the actor Abeer Soofi who played Sai Baba, were often praised for their authenticity and emotional depth.
In my opinion, the first half of the show, i.e. Abeer Soofi Sir's era, it was worth watching it but in the second half, i.e. Tushar Dalvi Sir's era, it was quite boring. Some Stories were best like "Sai Jivan Ka Swarnim Yug" Although, the last episode was totally scripted {IMO} As Baba became seriously very ill, he stopped asking or begging for alms. Many of his followers become worried about him.