I like seeing the old hotels.
As someone who has experience in the hospitality business, I can say her designs are not practical over all.
Fake plants just collect dust, are difficult to clean and add zero esthetically. White fluffy rugs is a ridiculous choice for a hotel. Not just the lack of practicality keeping it clean but for a trip hazard.
She’s improved (a little) in Season 2 but all the “stuff” she adds to the rooms leaves little space for guests to put their own possessions when they unpack.
Most guests expect a small fridge and microwave when traveling.
What I find to be a strangest thing about the show is when I checked out the participants websites, very few of them have continued any sort of renovations based on the “blueprint“. I’d love to see a show going back and visiting the motels and getting their impression on how much actually helped their business.