This movie was AWFUL. 2 stars just because I'm a Marvel fan. There was something missing on every front...writing (where was the clever wit usually peppered throughout?) The acting was mechanical and forced at best. The interaction between DS and America was so "read".
It was never convincing enough for me to actually lose myself in the story and root for the protagonists in peril as I was so distracted by the lack of originality. There were so many scenes from other movies in this movie...Inception, Nightmare on Elm street, Carrie (soccer mom style).
The CG special effects were unsurprising and came across as cliche, used up and predictable. There were times when the score was in crescendo unequal to the scene. I know people like to think "deep" and all "third eye" when it comes to Dr. S but you gotta be honest with myself and call this what it is, disappointing. I won't spend money to see the next one, that's for sure.