This was an alright doc. A note to anyone white and planning on going over to Africa or Uganda to help, DON’T! No one there wants or needs help, besides if anything goes wrong, no matter what YOU WILL be blamed. Even though the biggest hospitals over there have a higher percentage of death rates, the white woman was the only one sued, because mainly she’s white & that was made known they DO NOT like white people help or white people over there. Crazy how sad and backwards the world has become, but it’s not just in Africa unfortunately. White people nowadays are being held accountable for what happened centuries ago. As far as the #nowhitesavior people, of course their goal is to get people in their feelings so they will “donate” and give their money to them. They’re just another race baiting group trying to get $$$ from people’s hatefulness. While I believe that Renee did what she was led to do in her heart by God, she should’ve been more responsible about following medical protocols & procedures.