In my opinion--and I'm quite sure I don't represent a majority--the episode entitled 'the club' was irresponsible in its dealing with pornography. The parents of Dean were having 'the talk' with him about why he found a pornographic magazine in his mother's possession. She answered that because the boy's father traveled so much, it was fine to look at pictures of men because they reminded her of him. One reviewer said that the mother was honest and brave, but what if the father had the magazine in his possession and answered the son's query: Your mother is on the road so much, and I get lonely and it helps me think of your mother when I look at naked women'? Would he be considered honest and brave? At any rate, many 12-year-old viewers heard an authority figure say it's okay to look at porn when one's spouse is away. Pornography is an addiction; it promotes an unrealistic idea of sex. What would have been responsible was if the mother said, "I'm sorry. I made a wrong choice. I wasn't a good role model. Pornography is not good for you or me, and I will never do it again."