I am *this close* to sitting my 10-year old daughter down to watch this show together (I am all caught up by the way) as it is a great model for her and her younger sister as they enter the world of teenage relationships. Because that is the heart and soul of this program, relationships; good, bad, and complicated.
The cast of characters is broadly inclusive in race, body type, species, and gender preference making a more realistic fantasy program. The motivations for the villains and the heroes are not black/white, good/bad, chaos/status quo that so many children's programs have presented over time.
The continuous narrative story-arc allows for character development and emotional investment, unlike the 22-minute toy commercials (with commercials) that I had as a child, and it delivers.
What does it mean to be a good friend? What are the reasons we feel the way we do and act the way we do? How far will you go to redeem a damaged relationship? When is it time to move on?