This game is amazing. I'm nearing in on nearly 1000 hours however I only have one problem. I'm constantly getting attacked by other players. Now I understand if I have loot on board, however most of the time I just attacked on sight without any loot on board.
I'm a solo slooper as well meaning that pvp and just combat in general is very difficult and it really feels like I cant progress because of this. Again I understand its an online game and I understand the game isn't called "Sea of Friends", But it just gets really excessive.
Excusing all that though the game is really fun. I enjoy completing world events, Raiding fortress', completing Tall Tales and unlocking a bunch of really cool cosmetics. My favourite thing to do would probably be fighting bosses like Ashen lords and Skeleton lords, this isn't because I get really good loot from it but its because the weapon system feels really well done