Possibly one of the most overhyped films I have seen in the past decade. It was atrocious on every level. Margot Robbie descends to new lows in accepting degrading roles that serve to sexualise every scene and not test her acting ability. I have see her in good films and know she can act. Brad Pitt is better than this as an actor and I wish he would be more selective. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood was just as disappointing but that was actually unwatchable (we walked out). Babylon was nauseating. Yet, handled with more class and subtly, could have better portrayed a story worth telling about the history of the LA film scene and its infinitely darker side. I am FAR from prudish, but this was just painful to watch the gratuitous nature of the scenes. The gross out vomit scene was laughable - on a par with Bridesmaids or something of that it was so badly done. The musical score was good, but the shock tactics and gross out moments greatly lowered the value. It was a tragic waste of quality film time with plenty of voyeurism and incredibly meaningless scenes. Robbie always sounds reminiscent of Harley Quinn and struggles to vary her accent. Pitt acted well with what he had to work with, but it was generally very poor. Buried in the endless over dramatics, was a story worth telling and one worth hearing. But it is a poor combination of actors that do not work well together in combination, and extraordinarily poor production, script and direction. Had low expectations from watching the trailers and it did not need to achieve much to exceed these. Yet it managed to disappoint, despite the low bar. Awful, awful, awful.