5 Stars. Love that they are building out the universe and including more stories for non-jedi in the rebellion. The series was designed as 4 separate, 3-episode arcs. The first placing the setting and characters, second developing those characters and the third episode being the climax that the previous 2 were building toward. Absolutely love this style of story telling. Would I have preferred it to be released 3-episodes at a time so that we get the full arc each week? Of course. BUT, I am still coming back every week to find out what happens. Fantastic display of acting by the cast. Love the universe it’s opening up. Can’t wait to see where the second half of the season takes us! Basically 4 movies and 12 hours of content. Season 2 already in the works. This will hopefully hold me over until S3 of Mandalorian. Will there be a second book of boba fett? Disappointed they decided to slow down their movie releases due to poor reception of ‘Solo’, but if this is what we are getting instead- sign me up for more!