I beat the game at rank 6/10
This is a game not worthy of being considered a "side game"
There was no substance to the game when the characters have such a negative vibe, where I felt annoyed at how the main story characters betray, treat you like a child and even belittle you.
I regret spending any money on this, i have regret that I ever supported any of these video game creators.
I would believe that these people were sheltered their whole life to where they are too akward for the rest of their lives.
This game was hyped up by GameStop too which was messed up. I am also wasting my time even giving a review to let anybody who likes Pokemon a review. Phuck you and go outside. No need to be afraid of the sun anymore game freak.
Ps: get some friends in real life. I don't think you guys understand the basics of human interaction and positive progression.