Dreadful. It’s like a pastiche after someone has gone round the remaindered bins of a video store and pasted together the “best” bits from various low-budget 1970s and 1980s shockers; there’s just about every horror movie trope you can think of and it’s amusing to call them out in advance of each scene, it’s that predictable. The lack of basic attention to detail is remarkable. When the Dad writes his last will & testament, that’s an awful lot of words to get on a small scrap of paper. And maybe someone ought to tell the makers it’s actually quite tiring to try to move about and run in a gas mask and NBC suit so getting away from someone togged up like that would not be too difficult. And what the heck was that sword dance to ‘Figaro’ about? The only parts in the whole thing worth watching involve the unintentionally hilarious bickering between Honey and Molina or Bardot or whatever their names are – leave the rest on the cutting room floor (with the buckets of innards) and just keep these.