Interview with Kari Lake - omg what an embarrassing interview for Australia! The Journalist pushed a narrative and was so incredibly rude, as an Aussie I am ashamed and will NOT watch that show again. The masking of children who, btw, have such a low chance of getting covid-19; and the injection of children who have a 0.03% chance of catching covid-19, IS A CON on the Nation! It pushes Klaus Schwaubs Agenda21 which was presented to all Governments in the world and is called ‘The Great Reset (a book). Everyone knows it now EXCEPT the Australian Government and the ‘not’ independent journalists! The Media is pushing for Australians to have no rights! The media are pushing for drama but has no concern for the real human pain. We should NOT watch or support any media in Australia! No more main stream media - you are on notice! 2 million Aussie protestors in Canberra (12/2/22) and we all represent atleast 10 people at home- your days are definitely numbered. We will ‘build back better’ without you.