I have no idea what to think. The premise of the movie was...ok, but the pay-off, pacing and acting were...terrible. I swear you can also tell a Hollywood/Netflix movie from a mile away. Men bad (especially fathers and boyfriend), power women, tick box diversity that looks completely out of place. Wokeism is a disease and it is here to destroy the movie ecosystem.
Good points: set design, costumes and special effects (dragon and lair) were great, with ONE notable exception - her burns or scar were on the wrong side of her...um..chest.
On acting, I really like MBB in a lot of things. Unfortunately her acting didn't come through here. Other supporting actors were worse. The voice actor for the dragon (actor from the expanse) was perfect for the dragon though!
On diversity, can we please get back to normality with people looking the same when they're in the same kingdom, not an LA street? This does not mean movies exclude ethnic groups, far from it, but have them all be similar appearance if they're from a region. It's just feels forced. That's true diversity because you can have multiple ethnic groups from different regions.
Storyline, too long and drawn out AND predictable. Why watch these movies when you know what the outcome will be. If there is a white man in it, he gonna die!! She could have got there a lot quicker by establishing the dragon's intent. Then she just became Danerys at the end.