This film is allegedly recorded as the scariest film of all time. I am sceptical about the source of those affirmations, and consider them to be aimed at manipulating view rates during what is a very topical time relating to geopolitical strategic positioning. That being said:
"Come and See" is one of the most extraordinary films I have ever seen. For me, it is the pinnacle of dystopian war filmography, on par with "All Quiet on the Western Front".
The filmography and audiography is so effective, it set my tinnitus off at all the right moments. Considering available technology at the time of making is very impressive.
The acting is the best I have seen.
The message is very clear. What struck me was the attention to minute detail and the nuances in audiovisual presentation during certain scenes which added so much depth, I was often involuntarily gasping, and maintaining a continual abdominal tension. This was not by accident.
This film is genius. Scary? No.... It is a first person insight to fragmented mental trauma associated with wars, and the ideals which drives them.
Prearrange something fun / happy to do or watch after this film... it's incredibly effective.