Could have been a great series if it wasn't just like all the rest of movies or series coming out today. Black good white bad is an attempt to indoctrinate kids and guide them toward thinking blacks are good, perfect, oppressed, clean, family oriented, smart, in the highest offices, superior to whites, etc. Just what the far left want's you to believe. What it does is it sucks the reality right out of movies and ruins them. In this series you have a pregnant black women with a black husband that knocked out a cop, so because of a mean white judge is going to jail, but the movie makes the black woman look like the grieving wife, the black guy going to jail look like a victim, the slick black lawer that will llikely get him off because oh look there's a black mayor (who'd a thought). Now I'm just waiting for the token white woman with a black boyfriend or husband that is mandatory thesse days. Even better if it's a teenage white girl with a black guy, that will really piss of white men. Such a pathetic show of liberalism and fake diversity that they are trying to shove down out throats and especially the throats of impressionable kids