OK so when the show first came out I didn’t really care about it.🥴 Just yesterday I started watching it because I saw a TikTok video of Marcus Baker a.k.a. Felix, and he was like really fine so I gave it a go.🔥🤤👅🥵 I loved this show so much and it only took me less than a day to watch it (2 times in one ☝🏼 day) This show gave me butterflies 😌 like I need season two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and you know the bigger numbers anyway, i’ve seen the show three times in a row I’m about to go watch it for the fourth time.
The only thing a disagreed with was the Taylor swift comment. Like what..... 😔.
🎶“BeCausE I kNeW We weRe TrOuble wHeN yOu walKed in sO sHamE oN mE NoW fLeW mE thE plaCeS I’vE neVeR bEeN till yoU pUt Me doWn oH” 🎶